Scott King's Blog (100)

iKC's New Features!

The system hosting iKC is continually working to make our community better. For several months, enhancements have been in the works. Overnight they were rolled out.

One of these new features is another communication tool for our members. It's called STATUS. Many of you have it on your My Page now. I do and I like it! For you who don't, I'm checking if you add it from your settings area.

Basically STATUS- let's you post a note on your My Page about activities,… Continue

Added by Scott King on September 9, 2009 at 9:00 — 5 Comments

All About Toenails: A Case XX USN Redbone

The Elephant Toenail pattern's been around for over a hundred years and is favored by both production and custom knife collectors. They come in hundreds of flavors, which is good cause we pattern collectors love variety!

Saw one the other day I had to show you. It's the standard style toenail. And is a Case XX Redbone. The redbone is very popular- only the rare XX Greenbone toenail is more sought after, as far as the XX's go anyway.

We'll save the redbone talk for another… Continue

Added by Scott King on September 4, 2009 at 17:00 — 3 Comments

The Elephant Toenail Collector Club is officially calling iKC home!

The Elephant Toenail Collectors Club decided by unanimous consent to officially move in to iKC- lock, stock and barrel.

Yes, that's right. We like these new digs better. iKC offers us everything we need, plus some. For close to 2 years we called home ElephantToenails.com and in particular its blog- The… Continue

Added by Scott King on September 4, 2009 at 8:00 — 4 Comments

How to use iKnifeCollector to write a blog post

As promised here's Part II to Blogging to the Knife Community and specifically how to use iKnifeCollector. Part I of this series outlined the opportunity for bloggers and writers to establish their presence and reputation in the community on their favorite knife related subjects.

If you are still learning your way around our community and how it works, take a few minutes to get a feel… Continue

Added by Scott King on September 3, 2009 at 20:30 — No Comments

Online Knife Collectors Beware

At the risk of alarming folks, I learned today the current administration (the White House) has put out a request for bids (RFP) for contractors to collect/capture/harvest and create a permanent record of comments made on social networking sites. While the network host of iKnifeCollector is not specifically named, many others are: FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter and YouTube, in addition to others.

As reported by… Continue

Added by Scott King on September 2, 2009 at 15:30 — 3 Comments

Blogging to the Knife Community

One of the benefits of iKC is each member has her/his own personal platform for sharing interesting information with the entire community.

We know we must write differently on the web than if we were writing an in-depth article for National Geographic or Forbes, maybe more like a short article for USA… Continue

Added by Scott King on August 31, 2009 at 23:00 — No Comments

Interesting...very interesting- the habits of our members

Want to see a group of individuals- each with their own preferences and habits? Then read my recent blog post here asking our members what they look at first each time they log back into our community.

It is all over the board. Some folks head straight to the Members page to welcome our newest community members; many have bookmarked their own My Page and check it out first, while… Continue

Added by Scott King on August 31, 2009 at 21:30 — No Comments

It's killing me, so I gotta ask you

Fellow iKC Members

Answer me this- What page do you log onto when you first come to iKC each time?

PS: If you have yet to take the 2009 iKC Community Survey please do. It'll help us make iKC even better!

Added by Scott King on August 25, 2009 at 21:03 — 13 Comments

iKC Groups

If you have been a member here for very long you have probably observed our groups and their activity levels- some of them take off, while others struggle and even some others are vacated. Starting and managing an iKC Group isn't a slam dunk- it takes time and energy, and commitment on the leaders part, as well as active member participation.

There are two factors I've observed (and experienced with my own groups) that have the biggest impact on their success. One is the overall… Continue

Added by Scott King on August 23, 2009 at 15:00 — No Comments

iKC Trivia: What's your answer?

I"m really not big into single question blog posts. They go into a Forum- instead of a community-wide blog post, but I decided to bring it before the entire community.

The question for the day is this: What is the average age of our membership?

The winner gets......well, I have to ponder that one. Maybe an iKC Shirt once we get them priced out, designed, printed, etc, etc. :)

Closest to without going over. One… Continue

Added by Scott King on August 19, 2009 at 17:00 — 20 Comments

Your feedback is needed! New iKC Community Survey

Your feedback is important to our community. Yes, we are a new community, but plan to be 'round for many years to come- to continue to grow and attract new members.

Please take a couple of minutes to click a few buttons and provide us with valuable input. And I've emailed the entire community with a link to this survey.

Click Here to take survey

Thank you for your participation… Continue

Added by Scott King on August 16, 2009 at 17:30 — 4 Comments

We know you are out there!

There is no doubt, iKC is different than any other knife place on the web. The members here feel like they are sitting down across from each other in a friendly place to talk and show our common interest- knives.

In fact, I love fellow iKC member Steve Wells quote- "What a fantastic way to meet collectors. It is like they are coming in your own house, and having a cup of coffee." To me that's iKC in a peach-seed. :)

But what you may not realize and the reason I've… Continue

Added by Scott King on August 15, 2009 at 9:00 — 2 Comments

Cutlery News Journal- Knife Collector News From Yesterday And Today

Many of you already know I publish an online knife collector news source called Cutlery News Journal. CNJ recently celebrated its first year and offers all type knife collector and industry news. Now if you have been a member here for very long you probably already know I have a bit of a twisted sense of humor and at times it oozes out it.

CNJ covers a broad range of knife related topics. I relate current events (economic and… Continue

Added by Scott King on August 14, 2009 at 12:00 — 1 Comment

New Community Feature- Video Tutorials

We love iKnifeCollector and yet some of the how to use the features of our community are unfamiliar to us, aren't they?

In fact, I'll go as far as to say, there are tons of "things" to do and add that we simply haven't found yet.

To that end, I've added a new area, particularly for the newest members, and one that will grow. It provides us with short video lessons on different aspects of the iKC Community.

Two lessons are… Continue

Added by Scott King on August 12, 2009 at 20:42 — No Comments

Once a favorite- always a favorite

Have you ever sold a knife that you still had emotional strings attached to? The continued attachment could be for many different reasons, including it signifying an event in your life, the person who sold/gave it to you or maybe it is simply because you like it.

In many cases, years may have even passed since you turned over its custodianship to another fellow collector, and yet, there is still just something about that knife that speaks to you.

Several years ago I sold… Continue

Added by Scott King on August 10, 2009 at 10:00 — 1 Comment

Instant Knife Book Library For Sale

I know this type post is unusual for a blog and should be in New Member or For Sale areas, but I wanted to let all collectors who need additional knife book resources.

Russ Altamore, a big time elephant toenail collector and friend of mine passed away in 2005. The executor of his estate contacted me today to let me know about his library sale. I have purchased from this gentleman before. He is a good seller.

If you are new to… Continue

Added by Scott King on August 8, 2009 at 14:00 — 1 Comment

Thanks iKC Members!

I promise not to get sentimental in this post, so don't worry.....just hang with me though, OK?

We started gathering knife collectors now- what about 4 months ago? Now when I step back and just look at how far our community has come- I am amazed.

Like you, I have to work hard to keep ends meeting. Well, as part of my real job is traveling. That's the bad part (I really don't like to be away from my family), but the good part is what I was able to do today- and that is-… Continue

Added by Scott King on July 22, 2009 at 17:30 — 2 Comments

Need your help to support one of our members!

If you have ever been a slave of something, then you will feel for what one of our members is going through right now. I'm asking you to contact him to encourage him in his quit smoking effort. We are a community here. At the risk of sounding over mushy, our support for one another through life, is a direct byproduct our what we have going on here.

To those who don't or haven't ever smoked, quitting smoking probably sounds like a no-brainer and no prob, but if you have quit or tried… Continue

Added by Scott King on July 22, 2009 at 8:17 — 5 Comments


As promised, here’s a more detailed explanation of the Senate’s passage of Amendment 1447- the act removing the broadening of the Custom & Border Patrol’s definition of a Switchblade.

Instead of attempting to reword and characterize the action, please allow me to provide Doug Ritter’s detailed explanation. Doug is the founder and chairman of Knife Rights- an knife advocacy organization that has been at the forefront of this effort to prevent the proposed ban.…


Added by Scott King on July 11, 2009 at 9:51 — 2 Comments

On a lighter note.....almost added to my other collection the other day

One of the fun things about iKC is our Groups. The interests represented by all the iKC Groups are all over the board.

Well, not long ago, Anthony (ChanceToFade) started a Group called Other Collections, for folks who have collections, in addition to knives.

Needless to say, I am a member of that Group also by virtue of my unintended collection of.....speeding tickets. I won't bore you… Continue

Added by Scott King on July 6, 2009 at 19:30 — 8 Comments

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