The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
My step dad was Darrel Ensign… His Father being Joe Ensign, My grandfather & his brother helped Gill start up their company in Manti, UT in the late 60's in a lil old gas station!!
Added by Daniel Altgilbers Jr on January 31, 2014 at 8:44 — 1 Comment
Lets see the pictures and tell us what kind of knives you have found at Yard sales, Estate sales, Rummage sales
etc... I run across many deals some really great knife finds , some just fun silly finds.
Added by Terry Ray on January 30, 2014 at 0:42 — 14 Comments
I feel a little lost not knowing how and what to do, but since I am among friends I'll just post a pic and see what blows up!
Added by Waggoner, Alan on January 29, 2014 at 12:29 — 9 Comments
I am and have been involved with a lot of knife clubs, not one of them has brought the pleasure and fun that iKC has
the clubs always end up the same, fewer people show, except to get the club knife. Lots of disagreements
arguments, etc,,, Hard feelings over chosen or not chosen ideas. iKC is a fresh exciting idea cultivated by a group in a knife club that just happens to be online. The perspective here is open, friendly and never dull!
So, i try to expose all my…
ContinueAdded by Terry Ray on January 26, 2014 at 9:31 — 6 Comments
Added by Terry Ray on January 23, 2014 at 20:35 — 6 Comments
I would guess any collector that aquires a collection over time has surley been plauged by the Conterfeiter
I know I have, has this happend to you? If so tell me about it, show me the picture if you have it
Sometimes you are victim and dont know that you are ...
Added by Terry Ray on January 21, 2014 at 18:42 — 16 Comments
Cherry's Sister Jennifer is doing much better , she is off the resperator, and will be out of ICU in the next day or so,
the flood of prayers and cards... gifts... really made our spirits shine! Thank you iKC friends... there is no place like home
Terry and Cherry Ray
Added by Terry Ray on January 15, 2014 at 17:30 — 10 Comments
I know that here on we are all expecting a plethora of new knife reviews from Shot Show 2014 but I have to admit that one of the announcements that piqued my interest was the announcement of the new Glock Model 42 in .380ACP. In my humble opinion, Glock has spent too much time resting on its laurels and not competing in the fast growing semi-auto handgun market. Consumers are still begging…
ContinueAdded by Ms Data on January 14, 2014 at 13:33 — No Comments
You only have $20.00 to spend on a knife to feed your never ending collecting craving,
My question is What knife will you buy? and Why?
My choice is a Rough Rider 3 Blade Sowbelly I like the Candy stripe white/red bone handles, and its a Sowbelly which is what I collect primarily.
Added by Terry Ray on January 10, 2014 at 20:37 — 6 Comments
This is the brick two story building that the men used for years to make skeletons for high end gentlemen's jewelry knives...The front door entrance bottom right still has grandpa's match scratches lighting his cigars before entering in the mornings!!!!…
Added by Robert A. Paolantonio on January 5, 2014 at 13:03 — 2 Comments
Well after Colonial's closing in 1998, the majority of the factory still stands. Even with local "Thugs" burning and trashing certain area's, the factory still remains an eyesore and is terribly sad to see....
I have several shots of the exterior building that I'd like to share with all....these pictures were taken in the beginning stages of writing my…
ContinueAdded by Robert A. Paolantonio on January 5, 2014 at 12:54 — 4 Comments
Added by Terry Ray on January 5, 2014 at 0:56 — 11 Comments
Here's a rare shot; the beginning stages of full factory construction..I figure late 30's, early 40's...
Added by Robert A. Paolantonio on January 4, 2014 at 20:41 — 3 Comments
Please let me introduce myself. My name is Robert Anthony Paolantonio, third generation owner, stockholder and cutler of Colonial Knife Company, Inc...
My grandfather Frederick (Fortunato in Italian), incorporated Colonial in 1926 after many years of learning the American language and paving the way for his brothers yet to arrive here. Grandpa Fred came here in 1903.
Since they were all cutler's from the old country, Frozolone Italy, they all work hard in the cutlery industry…
ContinueAdded by Robert A. Paolantonio on January 4, 2014 at 19:27 — 2 Comments
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