July 2009 Blog Posts (8)

In Memoriam
Thanks iKC Members!

I promise not to get sentimental in this post, so don't worry.....just hang with me though, OK?

We started gathering knife collectors now- what about 4 months ago? Now when I step back and just look at how far our community has come- I am amazed.

Like you, I have to work hard to keep ends meeting. Well, as part of my real job is traveling. That's the bad part (I really don't like to be away from my family), but the good part is what I was able to do today- and that is-… Continue

Added by Scott King on July 22, 2009 at 17:30 — 2 Comments

In Memoriam
Need your help to support one of our members!

If you have ever been a slave of something, then you will feel for what one of our members is going through right now. I'm asking you to contact him to encourage him in his quit smoking effort. We are a community here. At the risk of sounding over mushy, our support for one another through life, is a direct byproduct our what we have going on here.

To those who don't or haven't ever smoked, quitting smoking probably sounds like a no-brainer and no prob, but if you have quit or tried… Continue

Added by Scott King on July 22, 2009 at 8:17 — 5 Comments


The Hammer is I held in June went great. We had over 40 people anctious to teach and learn about bladesmithng.

Chris Paul taught wax carving for fittings and discussed different casting procedures.

Mark Eyer demonstrated leather working and sheath making.

Mike Alexander talked about Bowies and showed us how to bring out the grain on maple with acid & heat.

Butch Sheeley forged up a hawk out of wrought iron and a high carbon bit.

Erik Nelson talked about making… Continue

Added by Adlai Stein on July 18, 2009 at 17:30 — 3 Comments


Some people might think I'm Un-American because of how I can appreciate how Russia controlled it's people (touched on in my "You know what's wrong with Society blog).

Well I also love the Russian National Anthem (Red Star Army Chorus) used in this AK-47 video. Their National Anthem is more grandiose, moving, so awe inspiring!!! That's one thing about the good ole' U.S.A. my right to feel and think this… Continue

Added by J.T. [HELLZZARMY] on July 12, 2009 at 0:30 — 7 Comments

In Memoriam

As promised, here’s a more detailed explanation of the Senate’s passage of Amendment 1447- the act removing the broadening of the Custom & Border Patrol’s definition of a Switchblade.

Instead of attempting to reword and characterize the action, please allow me to provide Doug Ritter’s detailed explanation. Doug is the founder and chairman of Knife Rights- an knife advocacy organization that has been at the forefront of this effort to prevent the proposed ban.…


Added by Scott King on July 11, 2009 at 9:51 — 2 Comments

Southern Bells

Kaylin and Karlee
Great Smokey Mountains
July 4th, 2009

Added by J.J. Smith III on July 10, 2009 at 0:21 — 9 Comments

Long time no see guys! Movie interest, Knife update and teaser!!

Hey ya'll,

I haven't been around because of school and work. Summer school is officially over now, so hopefully I will make time for this place. I made an A in that class if anyone cares! Woot go me!

anyway, we've been looking into that new movie " the last house on the left" and totally bought the old 70's version. It was PRETTY crazy I must say. Of course there are some CORNY parts in it...but towards the end I couldn't stop thinking how intense it was for it's… Continue

Added by Wilma Slicer (Lynsie) on July 6, 2009 at 22:30 — 3 Comments

In Memoriam
On a lighter note.....almost added to my other collection the other day

One of the fun things about iKC is our Groups. The interests represented by all the iKC Groups are all over the board.

Well, not long ago, Anthony (ChanceToFade) started a Group called Other Collections, for folks who have collections, in addition to knives.

Needless to say, I am a member of that Group also by virtue of my unintended collection of.....speeding tickets. I won't bore you… Continue

Added by Scott King on July 6, 2009 at 19:30 — 8 Comments

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