May 2012 Blog Posts (36)

My Barlows All Pretty In a Box

I finally put my Barlows in a Box.  I don't really like the box for these knives, I think I will swap out those smaller Coca-Cola knives and find something else for the Barlows, but it's better than throwing them in a cardboard box.

On the left side are various makers including Case, Boker, Maherr & Grosh and others.

On the right are my antique Russells.  All are 1800s.  I have a few more that I need to dig up that are 1920-30 Russells.

I also have a few…


Added by Lee Saunders on May 31, 2012 at 21:15 — 44 Comments

A Couple of Old SheffieldPocket Knives

Today I have two very old Sheffield pocket knives for you.

The gentleman I bought them for thought for a long time that the larger knife was an old British Navy knife.  Now he thinks it may be a pruner.

Could be.  If you remember my post about how confusing these and even Hawkbills can be when the beak has been worn a bit.

To me it does look like a Navy knife, made to get wet and cut rope.…


Added by Lee Saunders on May 30, 2012 at 23:30 — 6 Comments

Burke, Idaho a Modern Ghost Town and a lesson in Economics

This weekend, my wife and I decided to take a drive...a long drive. This is something that we've enjoyed doing for decades. We've done it so much that we have to drive further and further away from where we live just to see something "new". So...I had to do a fair bit of research to find a possible destination. We live in Eastern, Washington. The economy in this part of the country...aside from the past 30-ish years...WAS driven by farming, logging and mining. Over the past century, we've…


Added by Chris Stookey on May 28, 2012 at 18:02 — 4 Comments

One Hallowed Day

One Hallowed Day
The brave of our nation
 Defend liberty and freedom
From every generation
Some gave their last full measure…

Added by Greg Sylvester on May 26, 2012 at 14:21 — 1 Comment

Memorial Day, A rich tradition continues in 2012

Memorial Day is a US Federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May. It was called Decoration Day, after the American Civil War, to commemorate the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War. Southern womens organizations and southern schoolchildren decorated Confederate graves during the Civil War, but each region had its date mostly in May.

For those iKC members who do not live in the US, this day had been extended to honor all Americans who have died in all wars. It is a day of…


Added by Steve Hanner on May 25, 2012 at 14:38 — 2 Comments

In Memoriam
GEC Equestrian’s Trapper Knife w/Exotic Mexican Bocote Wood Handle

So I log into iKnifeCollector.com the other night only to come across a conversation between Hog and Tuna about a GEC knife up for bid on ebay. They were wondering if the knife was really a GEC knife or not. I did a quick internet search and came up with info showing it was a real GEC knife and shared the info with the guys. But, they still declined to make a bid which was ending in a few minutes. So I…


Added by Leopold Lacrimosa on May 24, 2012 at 23:33 — 6 Comments

Two Barlows And An Electricians

Don't think I showed these before....especially not the Primble barlow.


The electricians above is from the 1920s.  I spoke to the VP of the company in New Jersey.  He said his grandfather had them made for their employees as…


Added by Lee Saunders on May 24, 2012 at 22:30 — 3 Comments

Beware the man with one gun...

My dad always said beware the man with one gun, he knows it inside and out. I wonder if its the same with knife people?

Added by John McDowell on May 24, 2012 at 12:30 — 1 Comment

Relationships and Collecting

Well, my girl is upset with me.  Again.

She says I love my pocketknives more than I love her.  So I told her that's not true and I told her she has a sweet body....just like that antique coke bottle form knife that I bought 3 weeks ago.

She seemed a bit more peturbed, so I tried to get the subject off of knives since that seems to be her problem area!

So I told her I love her nearly as much as my favorite old 1911 handgun.

How come I have to sleep on the couch if…


Added by Lee Saunders on May 23, 2012 at 23:29 — 7 Comments

bait and switch

I find my  choices in knives change weekly. One week I'm all about you get what you pay for,the next week I make a new buy and say I  could have got 4 of these for what I paid for that.

The knife world is changing and its tough to keep up. I guess that's what keeps us moving on.

If this happens to you let me know so I know I'm not out of focus.

Added by John McDowell on May 22, 2012 at 0:30 — 4 Comments

A Case Tested XX, a Robeson Sure Edge and a Ka-Bar

An interesting collection of blades I received today.

The Ka-Bar fish knife is near mint.  Almost pristine.  The sweet yellow handles have no chips or damage.  Both blades look new as a baby's butt...never sharpened, no scratches, shiny as can be.  The Ka-Bar over Stainless tang stamp is from 1951-60, so nearly 60 years old.…


Added by Lee Saunders on May 21, 2012 at 21:00 — 2 Comments

Diesel Truck at a Drag Strip in Tennessee

This is a Tommy Lee Byrd photo at the Paradise Show & Go. 

 A diesel truck that pulls the front wheels and runs deep in the 6s?  Way cool for me....

Added by Lee Saunders on May 18, 2012 at 2:30 — 1 Comment

iKnife Collector on "Android".

The wife gave me an Android tablet, for my birthday, and I thought it would be another way to visit iKC, when I'm out and about.…


Added by J.J. Smith III on May 17, 2012 at 18:05 — 25 Comments

Bid on the 2012 Memorial Day Wounded Warrior Project Auction

Bid on the 2012 Memorial Day Wounded Warrior Project Auction

The Wounded Warrior project is a wonderful way to say thank you to not only our Warriors but their families.  In the past I have even donated air miles, they use these to fly loved ones in to see and help heal our soldiers.  This is something that my friend Greg does many times a year, always with a goal of 1000.00 a year in donations. It is a great way to get a much sought…


Added by Jan Carter on May 17, 2012 at 18:02 — 2 Comments

Strawberrry Festival Cruise-In Dayton Tennessee

Well being in California I missed te big Dayton Tennessee Strawberry Festival Cruise-In but from the photos you can see they had a rockin good time!!

This weekend (May 19 & 20) we have our Annual Galt Strawberry Festivalright up the road from Sacramento.  They have a big Cruise-In and Car &…


Added by Lee Saunders on May 16, 2012 at 19:00 — 5 Comments

S.E. Cupp Keynotes Knife Rights Sharper Future™ Awards Breakfast at BLADE Show - JOIN US!

Don't miss this opportunity to meet and hear noted conservative political commentator, author, columnist and knife user, S.E. Cupp. Her frequent appearances on Fox News and GBTV or her columns that are originally published in the New York Daily News are noted for insightful, no B.S. views about topical issues of the day.

Cupp's talk is titled, "Leave My Knives Alone! A New York Girl's Reflections on Life, Liberty and the Lunacy of Anti-knife…


Added by Doug Ritter on May 16, 2012 at 11:11 — 2 Comments

Disappointed with PUMA KNIVES (www.pumaknives.de)

2 months ago, I bought 3 knives from Puma directly   ([url]www.pumaknives.de[/url]).  As a very reputable knife maker, hailing from the very Knife Capital of Europe, Solingen, Germany, I presume the quality of knives should be top-top-notch workmanship!

The service was hassle free, I recieved my knives in Singapore promptly, through a forwarder.

When I opened the box, I was at first very pleased with the items.

On closer examination, I find…


Added by KK Low on May 12, 2012 at 23:05 — 5 Comments

Recommended site & catalog of Nautical Antiques including knives/axes/sworrds, handguns & rifles, cannon and much more!!

For those who may be interested, I was looking for "Navy" knives a few months back and ran into a great company & web site out of Kennebunkport, Maine carrying all types of Nautical Antiquities.

John F. Rinaldi Nautical Antiques & Related items

They carry tons of navy and boat related "stuff" including weaponry from knives to cannon and everything in between!

Today I received their paper catalog,…


Added by Lee Saunders on May 12, 2012 at 19:00 — 1 Comment

U.S. Coast Guard "Navy" Knife

Here is another "Navy" knife, this time it is actually a USCG knife but is the same as those great old Navy knives.  Now I have a few USN, one USMC, one that someone suggested might be a US Army knife and this one...my very first Coast Guard knife.  Thank you to all of you Coast Guarders for your service!!



Added by Lee Saunders on May 12, 2012 at 18:46 — 2 Comments

Napanoch Tool Kit Post #2

So this is the second post in the Napanoch Tool Kit Series.  Just too much for one post.

The knife holds the blade securely while also having the area to add the tools (one at a time) at the opposite end from the blade.

It works best to have the blade closed when you do this !!!

So you start with the knife tang that has the NAPANOCH over KNIFE…


Added by Lee Saunders on May 11, 2012 at 23:19 — 2 Comments

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