December 2009 Blog Posts (20)

Ensign Knives designed by Buster Warenski

Buster Warenski designed Three different Drop Point Hunters for Ensign Knives in the Late 70 and early 80's. They all had leather sheaths and were marked Ensign in a large diamond in the center of the blade. Some had engraved bolsters and some did not. It is not clear to me whether Buster did the engraving on contract or whether someone else at Ensign did the engraving. If you own one of these knives and would like to sell it, please let me know at jimbucket2@aol.com . I would also like to see… Continue

Added by James R. Buck on December 29, 2009 at 9:46 — No Comments

The Next Generation of Collectors - Where are they coming from?

It’s been so hearting to see folks here on iKC who for 50 years or more have collected knives. I watch Versus Network and the Outdoor Channel and they have Cabalas, Mossy Oak and other corporate sponsored teen hunts and – God Bless them, Bass Pro Shops have seminars for youth. It’s a fact not an argument that hunting has saved the American Turkey and it’s created a healthier whitetail population with proper management. It’s also the same for most migratory birds too. It’s the passion behind the… Continue

Added by Frank Evans on December 26, 2009 at 18:01 — 6 Comments

In Memoriam
My vision for our iKC Blogs

We are all like-minded knife enthusiasts. Yes, our community represents members from all knife walks of life- collectors, knifemakers, artists who use knives as their medium, photographers, graphic artists from the knife industry, corporate reps from various knife companies and, of course, everyday users- of every kind of knife imaginable.

All you have to do is flip on the iKC Media Center to see- pictures and videos- of the widest variety of knives- from super cool customs to…


Added by Scott King on December 25, 2009 at 11:00 — No Comments

In Memoriam
iKnifeCollector's Donation for Breast Cancer Treatment & Research

Last month members of iKC generously donated $450 for our fundraiser during the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Our donation was specifically paid to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

Thank you to all who gave for this worthwhile cause. I want to especially thank Iron City Blade's Robert Hale for… Continue

Added by Scott King on December 24, 2009 at 16:43 — No Comments

In Memoriam
Blogging to the Knife Community Part II

One of the unique features of iKC is the membership's ability to write on knife related topics for the benefit of the entire community.

Since we have had many new members join since the last time I talked about our blogs, allow me to once again remind us how we use our blogs and how we don't :)

Blogging/writing to the community is… Continue

Added by Scott King on December 24, 2009 at 14:30 — No Comments

Remmington Bullet Knives - Yellowhorse

Here are a couple Remmington bullet knives customized by Brian Yellowhorse.

One is Turquoise and the other is Red Jasper. Nickel Silver spacers and inlays. They are both 04/10. Quite a pair!

Added by Gary Nelson on December 24, 2009 at 10:35 — No Comments

Hi I would love to hear from members that collect Marbles Knives and axes etc. I can never learn enough and look forward to picking up some tips. Thanks Jim

Hi I would love to hear from members that collect Marbles Knives and axes etc. I can never learn enough and look forward to picking up some tips. Thanks Jim

Added by Jim Walker on December 24, 2009 at 3:56 — 1 Comment

Lone Wolf Blackfoot-2009 Blade Show "Best Value Knife of the Year"

The Lone Wolf Blackfoot, 2009 Blade Show "Best Value Knife of the Year"

The Blackfoot is a Lone Wolf design. It is a tough locking-liner design. The CPM-S30V stainless steel blade is 3 inches long and opens one handed with the thumb screw. The blade is titanium nitride coated for a tough non-glare surface. It is cryogenically heat treated. The knife weights less than 5 oz. The handle is Ebano wood. The Blackfoot – Blade Show 2009 Best… Continue

Added by Gary Nelson on December 23, 2009 at 8:00 — No Comments

Lone Wolf -Defender, 2009 Blade Show Overall Knife of the Year

The Defender – Blade Show 2009 "Overall Knife of the Year"

At the 2009 Blade Show in Atlanta, Georgia Lone Wolf’s new Paul Defender won the “Overall Knife of the Year” award . The Paul Defender was designed by Paul W. Poehlmann. Mr. Poehlmann is a custom knife maker and holds patents for folding knife mechanisms including the “Axial Locking Mechanism” used in the Paul Defender design. He brings his unique background in engineering to knife making… Continue

Added by Gary Nelson on December 23, 2009 at 6:06 — 7 Comments

In Memoriam
Merry Christmas iKC

I'm following Andy's lead here.....

Merry Christmas!

If you are a new member here you might consider this (me) a little dorky (my family does) and that's OK. Our old timers here know I enjoy life. Try to squeeze every drop of good times and happy memories I can make.

In fact, one of the things folks say… Continue

Added by Scott King on December 21, 2009 at 12:50 — 4 Comments

In Memoriam
Knife New Year's Resolutions

It's about that time of year again- time to resolve to, or not to, do. Today, I want us to drive a stake in the ground on knife resolutions. Here and now, we are resolving at least one knife resolution.

There are tons of areas we can accomplish, or quit. From making a knife, attending a knife show, spending (or not) a predetermined amount of money on our hobby, read a knife book, make a YouTube video on your favorite knife, write a knife blog once a month, start a new… Continue

Added by Scott King on December 20, 2009 at 8:30 — 1 Comment

In Memoriam
Andy's Christmas Card to iKC

Woke up, grabbed my coffee and headed to my computer to check in with you guys...always got to make sure the Beer Group didn't trash the place over night (just kidding guys). :)

This morning I head from my house to our community center and there staring at me was a man with Christmas lights draped cross him. I didn't recognize him at all. I clicked the slide show and clicked back. Sure nuf- I thought that might be him.

I love it. And it's Andy,… Continue

Added by Scott King on December 18, 2009 at 7:30 — 1 Comment

In Memoriam
Custom Knifemaker Tony Bose Interview

One of the all time favorite interviews I have had the opportunity to conduct was with legendary knifemaker Tony Bose. Tony is so easy to talk with and his colorful way of expressing himself made it a true pleasure.

I hope you will take some time to listen in on his interview. Tony tells us why he started making knives, in addition to candid advice for aspiring knife makers. He also provides an insider’s perspective on the custom knife market and today’s… Continue

Added by Scott King on December 16, 2009 at 12:00 — 1 Comment

In Memoriam
My response to the 2010 iKC Club Knife discussion

Over the last several days, I read the blog post and thought about the comments posted about my choice for the 2010 iKC Club Knife.

First let me say, I appreciate all the members who emailed me privately as well as posted and replied in the two previous blog post regarding the Club Knife. And I'm glad to see the amount of interest this topic created. Thanks for caring about our community.

Let me begin by addressing the group who voiced their opinion against my selection of… Continue

Added by Scott King on December 15, 2009 at 18:00 — 10 Comments

In Memoriam
iKC 2010 Club Knife

Yesterday, I sent this email to all iKC members. Please make sure your iKC email settings are set to receive email from me- scott@iknifecollector.com. I do periodically communicate to the members via email. I understand some of the members didn't receive my message so here it is.

I'm excited to announce iKC is having a 2010 club knife special ordered.

iKC is all about connecting, sharing and getting to know fellow like-minded collectors. 2009 has been a great… Continue

Added by Scott King on December 14, 2009 at 16:39 — 12 Comments

IKC Knife

I feelCompelled to express my opinion on the first IKC knife. Although I'm sure it is a well made knife, and made with strict supervision,but i t is made in China. As a serious collector, I feel that ANY knife made in Cina is not a collectible because it will never gain in value. Knives outsourced to China are done so that they can be made CHEAPLY. Otherwise they would be made here. AG Russell's catalog is full of outsourced SOG, Spyderco, Ka-Bar, CRKT and ewven their own brand. Offering a… Continue

Added by Mike Walters on December 14, 2009 at 10:29 — 6 Comments

Education — A Precious Thrill

Don't you really, really like to learn something new? Some giant revelation? Some little tip or trick that makes something come into focus? Some fact that makes a project do-able? I certainly do.

It pleases me a lot when I can learn something from an old pro who knows a really special insight about the history of knives: Scott King has opened my eyes to the Elephant Toenail (http://www.elephanttoenails.com/) knife which is just too cool… Continue

Added by Andy Voelkle "AxeMan" on December 11, 2009 at 11:35 — 2 Comments

1000th iKC member celebration.

Not only is Christmas fast approaching but so it appears that the 1000th iKC member is looming on the horizion.

Plans are in the works for this event.
Scheduled events include; a parade, iKC 'Block Party" (with music and good eats), with a fireworks display finishing out the evening.
Other events will, I'm sure, be added as the big day draws near.

Check in for further updates...

Added by iKC Gift Shop on December 9, 2009 at 10:16 — 45 Comments

In Memoriam
Knife Show Here I Come!

Around this time of year I trek up to near Gatlinburg, TN for the Parker's Knife Show. This particular show is billed as "The Greatest Show on Earth," and while I admit is it good, is it the greatest? I don't think so. Actually I think the Blade Show in Atlanta takes top billing, but Parker's Show is the first knife show I attended, back some years ago and is now my sentimental favorite.

I'll never forget. I got there before the doors opened and sat in the car wondering… Continue

Added by Scott King on December 8, 2009 at 22:47 — 5 Comments

Journey of the Blade by Chuck Pippin

The KSMA blog has just published Chuck's article on his bladesmithing journey. Go check it out here.

Added by Geoffrey Bosmann on December 8, 2009 at 14:52 — 1 Comment

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