The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
Well, at least one thing went right in 2020, USPS just delivered this 1989 Buck #301 Stockman in Jigged Buck Bone. When I see one of these, especially in a model I don't have in BB, I bend backwards to see if I can snag it. Fortunately the seller was someone I purchased from before on the bay, and he had added a "Make An Offer" link to the listing, so I went for it. It was marked $45 BIN, which really isn't that bad, so I offered $35, he came back with $42, and I ended up getting it for $40…
ContinueAdded by Syd Carr on December 19, 2020 at 16:14 — 3 Comments
Case XX 6137 Pocket Worn Antique Bone Sodbuster Jr, the jig is Peachseed. Also got a Case XX 6318 Rough Black Medium Stockman with Rough Black scales, (ie; Gum Fuddy, indestructible). Though the Coping blade rubs on the Sheepsfoot blade leaving a scratch, I don't want to do a back & forth return during the holiday season, plus I am just going to use it anyway. I have a Case Seahorse Whittler with the same issue. What's up with Case 3-blade knives? Anyway, just wanted the Jr because it…
ContinueAdded by Syd Carr on December 10, 2020 at 0:25 — 2 Comments
I had to go to town today to drop off an Amazon return, and by golly found an open thrift store, (this is the first day of our new shutdown, so most businesses are closed). Apparently California considers thrift stores to be "essential" businesses, so I got to stop and walk through, masked and socially distanced of course. First find was an old Coleman Camp Stove I got for $10, you know, the old ones you have to fill with White Gas and pump up. Since Pacific Gas & Electric has threatened…
ContinueAdded by Syd Carr on December 8, 2020 at 0:30 — 2 Comments
While staying distanced from most of society, I've been attempting to narrow what my favorite models are. Upon finding a splitback whittler a while back, I'm heavily leaning into this type model. I adore GEC made knives and like most have a harder time acquiring this variety in them. Being patient I did manage to dig up one that really trips my trigger. I've found the 57 examples are definitely my thing. One day I hope to find a 38 American Whittler in the…
ContinueAdded by T. Smith on December 3, 2020 at 14:51 — 7 Comments
Here we go again! I already have two of these in perfect condition, so I found this slightly used version for cheap, (at least cheap for one of these), so I can use one as EDC. Buck #329 Trapper, (also known as "Freedom Trapper" when imprinted and in a gift tin). Needs a good cleaning as you can see, but after a few swipes on a steel and a strop it sharpened right up. This is the one and only yellow handled knife in my EDC rotation. I believe they were a special order, they came plain like…
ContinueAdded by Syd Carr on December 3, 2020 at 0:30 — No Comments
Well, I have of course been buying sharp things again and thought I would post all of my latest "finds".
First is a NIB Buck #757 Axe, made in Indonesia. I have always wanted a 100 Series Buck Axe, USA made, but those are getting hard to find and very pricey, so I got this NIB instead. It is 12" long with a 3" edge.
Next is a Buck #303, nice but relatively rare. It is the only Buck knife with a USA-made model number that was actually made in China, (no other models of the 300…
ContinueHad nothing better to do so I bought a couple more knives, Buck 300 Series naturally. No particular collector value, but I just liked them. First is a very nice 2002 Buck #310 Whittler, at 3" closed it is same size as a #309 Companion. I have a couple other of these and gave another away recently, so it is a frame that I like, and I think this one is the best of the bunch. The #310's are the best Whittlers I own, none of mine rub their blades and leave marks, not so with my Case Seahorse…
ContinueAdded by Syd Carr on September 24, 2020 at 23:01 — 2 Comments
I have been on a Craftsman jag lately, and wanted to get one of their clones of the Buck #303 Cadet, both being made by Camillus. This one is in good condition, just a few use scratches. Not sure of the kind of wood on the handles, but it is a hardwood. I compared it to a Camillus-made '72-'86 #303 Cadet. See any similarities? To me it's obvious, but I'll soon do a family photo of the few Craftsmans I have, in both Schrade and Camillus versions.…
ContinueAdded by Syd Carr on August 29, 2020 at 19:45 — No Comments
Added by Lewis E.Ward on August 29, 2020 at 16:32 — 1 Comment
I read somewhere that today was national knife day, so that's
my excuse.
I was given this one by my brother-in-law. He said he just came by
it somewhere.
And the wife gave me this one.…
ContinueAdded by Rome D. Rushing on August 24, 2020 at 22:27 — 1 Comment
It's been a while since I've posted on this. So I figure its time for an update. Still kicking but not near as high, more heart issues. My Dr's have discovered a leaky heart valve. As they stated nothing to worry about as its minor. However in my profesion as an Auto service tech for quite a number of years. When a problem is found it is usually recommended to fix it. A bad/leaky valve cause's a decrease in performance and other possible issues on an Auto and the Heart is you…
ContinueAdded by Wally Guittard on August 10, 2020 at 12:33 — 2 Comments
Finally!! I've been looking for a Buck Bone version of this particular Buck SFO for years, and I was finally able to find and get one. The #333 California Toothpick in Genuine Jigged Bone handles, (Buck Bone). I found one a couple of years ago but couldn't afford it, so I just satisfied myself with the Stagalon version. After that I don't remember seeing a Buck Bone version for sale until just recently. Then all of a sudden this version is all over the place, so if you want one now is…
ContinueAdded by Syd Carr on August 7, 2020 at 17:15 — No Comments
Here is a very nice, seemingly brand new Colonial Stockman that I snagged on the bay. It looked interesting in the photos, so I decided to go ahead and bid. Surprisingly no one else bid on it, mine was the only bid so I got it for what I consider a very good price. When it arrived I was happily surprised at it's size, (4" closed), and it's pristine condition, it looks like it was never used at all, with nary a scratch on any blade or handles. The blades are tight as can be with no wiggle and…
ContinueBrittany Spears once sang, "Oops I did it again", and by golly I did exactly that! New Buck #112 w/ Drop Point blade & real ebony handles:
I intend to carry this knife, it will be a nice addition to my EDC rotation.
This is a new blade option and I like it. It's kind of a "finally"…
ContinueNothing fancy or special, but it was made in 2014 which was the year my grandson Michael was born. Been watching for awhile but finally a 2014 came up for sale. I have a knife for each kid in my life made the year of their birth, they will of course get them one day but I'm keeping them for awhile so I can carry and use them. To me the most precious knife I own is the fixed blade Kinfolks K380 my dad bought on his 18th birthday in 1926, he used it a lot before he gave it to me, and it having…
ContinueAdded by Syd Carr on June 20, 2020 at 20:13 — No Comments
Here are a couple of Bucks that arrived today, two #112 Slim Selects, my new favorite for EDC, (I carry a #112 Slim Pro every day). This is a wonderful model for EDC, strong, affordable and nearly indestructible. The deep carry pocket clip is the best pocket clip I've ever used, and I have a few Case knives & others with pocket clips, not one of those come close to being as well designed, easy to use and secure as these; they are reversible too. Slip one of these into a back pocket and…
ContinueAdded by Syd Carr on June 4, 2020 at 18:58 — 7 Comments
Went over to the eldest for lunch and not only did he feed me
he gave me a little something.
A Bastion Braza EDC folder that he got from Battle Box.
D2 steel with stainless handles and ball bearings.
Weighs a ton but a really nice knife.…
ContinueAdded by Rome D. Rushing on May 29, 2020 at 15:47 — 1 Comment
The mail lady ran today and left a little package.
I think I may have to seek help.
First is a new Kershaw I thought was mighty good looking.
Then I picked up a Rough Rider because it had my initials on it.…
ContinueAdded by Rome D. Rushing on May 28, 2020 at 18:02 — 1 Comment
On this 2020 Memorial Day weekend there is little else to do, so I decided to try and get all my knives into one room, I figured why have them if I'm going to keep them in a box in the closet. One of these days I want to get or make a few new display cases, more permanent ones made to fit the knives better, (like a store display-type box), but for now what I have will have to do. First is the big box which contains most of my Buck collection and includes every model number of the 300 Series…
ContinueAdded by Syd Carr on May 25, 2020 at 1:21 — 5 Comments
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